Currency Convertor

*Our current spot value is 54.05 INR. For details Please contact +(61) 449 891 010 .

To our customers, trusted banking partners and who it may concern.

It has come to our attention recently that some completely unfounded and very unfair accusations have been made anonymously, to a range of banks and Regulatory bodies.

It appears these accusations are an effort to discredit the compliance efforts of key money service businesses operating in Australia. The intent of those making such accusations we cannot speak for – however we appreciate that our position as a reliable, compliant and competitive player in the remittance sector may make us an unwitting target for these unfair tactics.

We know that in the remittance sector, trust and security are of the utmost importance to our customers, our Banking Partners and our Regulators. That is why we have and continue to maintain a robust compliance framework that includes:

  • An AML/CTF Program, policies and procedures
  • Highly trained staff and specialist advisors
  • Thorough quality assurance and oversight measures
  • Engaged management and governance structures
  • Any additional compliance measures?

We would be more than happy to share more information on the effectiveness of our compliance framework in order to provide the necessary assurance to any of our banking and business partners. While it is disappointing have felt it necessary to release this statement, we want to emphasise that we take these issues and any impact to our reputation very seriously and will not hesitate to take further action if necessary. If you are aware of, or receive any information in relation to these matters, we ask you please forward it to or contact us so we can take appropriate action.


The Flyworld Money Exchange Team

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